Our Story of Coconut Sugar
Coconut Sugar
Coconut sugar is so-called Gula Jawa—which means Javanese Sugar—in Indonesia without any reasons. By the history, coconut sugar had been produced in Java, Indonesia’s southernmost island, since a long time ago. There are 2 sweeteners, they are coconut sugar and arenga sugar. Coconut sugar made of coconut sap tree, while arenga sugar made of arenga sap tree.
Our Story
There is no exact time when coconut sugar began to be produced in Java. Some said, it has been started around the age of empire in 17th century. The mass production of coconut sugar recorded by history, however, was starting in 1657 by King Amangkurat I of Mataram who ruled most of Java.
No exact time when coconut sugar began to be produced in Java. Some said, it has been started around the age of empire in 17th century. The mass production of coconut sugar recorded by history, however, was starting in 1657 by King Amangkurat I of Mataram who ruled most of Java.
Because of its unique taste, coconut sugar became one of the most important commodities during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies). Javanese coconut sugar farmers persisted and preserved by passing it onto their generation, continues to this day.
The Tradition
For the Javanese, coconut sugar is not just a commodity for an economic value, but also traditions needed to be preserved. Nowadays, especially in the southern part of Java with a well-preserved environment, it is easy to find farmers planted coconut trees and produced the coconut sugar.
Most of Javanese farmers produce the sugar traditionally. The nectar is harvested directly from the coconut tree by climbing it twice a day, in the morning and evening. They should immediately boil that nectar in a large big pan on a wood-fired stove until it thickens.
This traditional method has amazingly attracted our interest in 2014. We discover that coconut farmers get difficulties in selling their product to the market. We tried to figure it out by discussing with local farmers, hence we formed REALSA in the same year to open the export market for coconut sugar product. REALSA buy local farmers’ product with fair price. As we respect farmers, we also value nature has raised us. This is the reason why we call ourselves REALSA, which stands for “Rezeki Alam Semesta” means sustenance of the universe. Since the very first time, we have prioritized natural and organic healthy products as our main concern as a tribute to our motherland.
That’s how this business goes. It is so true that the soul of this company is the persistence of local farmers preserved the heritage. It is also true that we preserve it with our best standard of quality.